Application for Online Examination and Results System

Application for Online Examination and Results System

Technology has supported online examinations successfully for a number of years, and has progressively enhanced the online examination process over the years. However, some schools particularly public tertiary institutions in developing countries are still involved in the conventional manual system of writing examination. This manual system of writing examination has a lot of demerits. The manual process of taking examinations is not only time-consuming and tedious, but cumbersome, hence the need for a better, faster and more reliable means of examining students.


Module Description

This system must be designed as user required. So, the complete requirement must be found:

  • Quick scheduling:

The system helps the faculty member to generate an automatic exam instead of using papers. Which save a time for writing, checking and for input marks. Also, student can see the exam when he login as an individual to the system.


  • Immediate results and solutions:

When the student finishes his exam, the system checks her answers and compared with the correct answer. And the system saves the incorrect and correct answers and calculates the mark of correct answers. Then give the total mark. And send a report for student to see where he is fault.


  • Easy to store and retrieve information:

Rather to save the information on a papers or in separate sheets. There are a data base management to store and retrieve the information needed by the administrator or Faculty member or student according a report generated by the system.